Des produits

Câble d'extension USB 3.0 à fibre optique active, AM vers AF, 5 Gbit/s, 100 m

  • Câble de liaison fibre optique USB 3.0 vers Type-A mâle vers Type-A femelle
  • USB 3.0 5Gbps
  • Profil EMI/RFI pratiquement nul pour des performances sans faille
  • La conception hybride fibre/cuivre ne nécessite aucune alimentation externe
  • Prolongez la longue distance jusqu'à 100 m

The FUMF-3001 serires 5Gbps Active Fiber Optical USB 3.0 Extension Cable-type A Male to type A Female sont également appelés USB 3.0 AOC, câble USB à fibre optique, câble USB optique, câble optique actif USB, AOC USB hybride, câble optique actif USB 3.0. Ils sont spécifiquement conçus pour répondre à la demande croissante de connexions haut débit, jusqu'à 5 Gbps. Ces câbles fournissent des liaisons plug-and-play qui dépassent les limites des câbles en cuivre traditionnels, permettant des distances étendues pour la transmission de données.

Built to support the latest USB 3.0 standards, our USB 3.0 AOCs are perfect for a wide range of applications for immersive AR/VR experiences, conference room cameras, machine vision systems, or storage devices, offering reliable and high-performance connectivity.

Caractéristiques principales :

  • Bande passante élevée: conforme aux dernières normes USB 3.0, jusqu'à 5 Gbps super vitesse
  • Rétrocompatible: Supports USB 3.0 @ 5Gbps up to 100 meters (328ft)
  • Transmission longue durée: Delivers lossles signals over 100m maximum length
  • Haute résolution: DisplayPort Alternate Mode support up to 4K resolution
  • Source de courant: Prend en charge 5V 900mA max vers l'appareil distant
  • Installation facile: Plug and play pour les deux côtés, conception unidirectionnelle
  • Construction durable: Boîtier en alliage de zinc, connecteurs plaqués or résistants à la corrosion
  • Résistance EMI: Haute résistance aux interférences électromagnétiques, assurant un environnement sûr et sans rayonnement
  • Personnalisable: Up to 100m maximum length, custom length, logo, and packaging available


  • Lien de caméra de vision industrielle
  • Cinéma maison, Blu-ray, vidéo 3D, projecteur, décodeur, DVR, contrôle de la console de jeu et connexion du moniteur
  • Équipement d'imagerie médicale
  • Panneaux et moniteurs LED
  • Station de diffusion de radio et de télévision
  • Système vidéo embarqué dans l'avion
  • Salle de conférence
  • Affichage numérique
  • Matériel de visioconférence
  • Système de surveillance de la sécurité

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Are USB 3.0 Active Fiber Optical Cables by AOCFIBERLINK compatible with all USB devices?

A: Though no USB standard currently exists for optical cables, USB 3. Active Fiber Optical Cables by AOCFIBERLINK have been successfully tested with more than a hundred devices spanning all major consumer operating systems. In general, you can expect USB 3. Active Fiber Optical Cables by AOCFIBERLINK to work with most self-powered USB 3.0/2.0 compliant device.

Q: Can I charge my portable device (like iPhone or iPad) with USB 3. Active Fiber Optical Cables by AOCFIBERLINK ?

A: USB 3. Active Fiber Optical Cables by AOCFIBERLINK are designed to be used with self-powered peripherals only. No significant power is available after powering its internal opto-electronics. A self-powered USB 3.0/2.0 hub can always be used at the peripheral (B-side) to provide power if desired.

Protocoles pris en charge

USB 3.0, USB 2.0

Bande passante

5 Gbit/s

Connecteur A

USB 3.0 Type-A Mâle

Connecteur B

USB 3.0 Type-A Femelle


Matériau : alliage de zinc, couleur : turquoise


Câble hybride Φ4.0mm, gaine PVC conforme RoHS

Rayon de courbure minimal



Jusqu'à 50 mètres

3 avis pour Active Fiber Optical USB 3.0 Extension Cable,AM to AF,5Gbps,100m

  1. Rodolfo Diaz

    A great product, I was able to connect a wireless mouse sending unit a distance of twenty + feet by using this cable. Would highly recommend to anyone needing a 25 ft. USB cable.

    • aoc

      Thanks Rodolfo, wish you always have a pleasant feeling while using our cable.

  2. Safir Ahamed

    You never know how amazing this item will be until you get the cable and test it. Frankly speaking, initially I am not sure whether this cable works because it costs only half of the brands that we use before. We use it to extend for manufacturing machinary interface terminal. The termanal had to be moved, requiring an extention. Works perfectly. You can count on the team

    • aoc

      Thanks Safir, for your kindness and contunious support. We will alway work hard to grow together with all our customers.

  3. German Contreras

    Needed to install a computer 50′ away from my observatory and was looking for a solution to extend USB 3.0 beyond 16-FT. I was using (2) 32-Ft USB 3.0 extension cables in series but soon discovered that each of those cables required 2 USB hubs. Windows has a limit of 5 serial hubs and that became a show stopper for my configuration requirements. I replaced the (2) 32-FT USB cables with the 100 FT USB 3.0 over Fiber without causing any hardware reconfiguration issues. Nice to have few USB hubs now with the USB over Fiber solution. Don’t hesitate to use this product.

    • aoc

      Dear German, thanks for your time and valuable comment. Your insight and feedback is the power to boost us forward.

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